receta de Polenta con brócoli

Polenta con brócoli

Te enseñaremos como hacer Polenta con brócoli para que puedas disfrutarla y saber cada uno de los pasos, con sus ingredientes y comentarios acerca de esta deliciosa receta.

Ingredientes de Polenta con brócoli:

  • ● 1 planta de brócoli
  • ● 1 taza de harina de maíz
  • ● 5 tazas de agua
  • ● 1 pocillo (de café) de aceite
  • ● 3 dientes de ajo
  • ● 150 gramos de queso cremoso
  • ● sal y pimienta

Como hacer Polenta con brócoli:

  1. Limpiar el brócoli, quitando los troquitos, pelándolos, y cortándolos en trozos, separar los ramitos.
  2. Hervir el agua con dos cucharadas de aceite y sal a gusto.
  3. Cuando rompe el hervor echar en forma de lluvia la harina de maíz, revolviendo con cuchara de madera, agregar el brócoli y cocinar de 5 a 10 minutos.
  4. Volcar en una fuente para horno aceitada.
  5. Calentar el resto del aceite con los ajos hasta apenas dorarlos y volcar encima de la polenta.
  6. Cubrir con el queso y llevar al horno hasta gratinar.
  7. También se puede cubrir la polenta con brócoli con una salsa de tomates.
Información adicional
  • Porciones: 0
  • Tiempo de preparación: -
  • Calificación: 5 Estrellas de 5 (2 votos)
  • Enviada por: Stella Rodríguez
  • Publicada el: 18-06-2007

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Hay 2 comentarios en la receta de Polenta con brócoli

Stella rodriguez, me gusto tu receta, me puedes decir de que paias es?solo por curiosidad, y con que otro platillo la acompañas? gracias

mana el 12-10-2009

Way back when, about 10 years ago when the Atkins diet was really poauplr, a lady that I worked with 5 days per week, lost a lot of weight on the low carb plan. She felt great and was glad that she was dropping the pounds.Around the 3 month mark, she started feeling poorly. Also, her weight loss basically plateaud, almost ceased.The thing that I noticed about how she was eating. Way too much meat, dairy and eggs. Hardly any vegetables, etc. At least not enough to balance out the heavy meat and cheese intake. Also, her heart and cholesterol were feeling the impact. If she ate leafy greens like Spinach, it was as a side. Very little.Also, she never once incorporated movement with the program. No walking, no stretching, no yoga or Pilates. Nothing. She never got up and moved. Diet can only go so far. I started walking because it is less impact, but very effective. I varied my speeds of walking as to keep my rate heart in the area that it needed to be. In other words, I wore a heart monitor to make sure that I was getting something out of my walks.Within 2 months of my walking program, I dropped nearly 30 pounds and several inches. No special diet. Now, due to health reasons, I watch the carbs and the saturated fat intake and increased the leafy greens, etc. It helps me overall. I should have been doing both all along. But just the daily walks alone increased my energy 100 fold.

lYOdQNBqo el 27-12-2012